2011年9月15日 星期四

Know Our Sky

Generally,in the north hemisphere , the observation of Northern sky starts around the Polaris of the Ursa Minor Constellation(小熊) which points the true north.The angle from the polar star to the horizon equals the Latitude of the viewer.The Ursa Minor is the axial center of all circumpolar that include Ursa Major(大熊),Draco(巨龍),Bootes(牧夫),Corona Bernices(北冕),Cassiopia(仙後),Cepeus(仙王),Camelopadlis(鹿豹),Triangulim(三角),Aries(白羊),Cygnus(天鵝),Lynx(天秤),Leo(獅子),Leo Minor(獅仔),Persesus(英仙),Hercules(武夫),Lacerta(捨猁),Pegasus( 飛馬),Lacerta( 蝎虎)& Dalis....all rise from the East in the evening then go Westward(count clockwise) ,and sink into the horizontal lines at dawn. In the southern hemisphere Octans(南極) near the celestial south pole is the axial center of clock wise going circumpolar(绕極星)which are;Norma(遊牧族),(Circinus)圓規 (Crus)小腿,(Vela)帆,Ara(阿拉),Trangulum(三角),Murca(馬斯庫),Apus(),Chamaeleon(堰蜓),Carina(龍骨),Volans(飛行),Plumn(梅),Pavo(孔雀),Mense(男子),Dorado(多拉多),Hydrus(水蛇),Pictor(繪架),Indus(印第安) ,Tucane() and Reticium(異端) , the brighter Crux (南十字)is easier to be located and most frequently used.

